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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

3rd time's a charm?

I have incredibly mixed emotions about starting this blog again. It's seems I have a difficult time committing. However I always find that I miss it. I have a reasonable excuse this time, however looking back I wish I would've blogged through the craziness that was my life.

Since you last saw me:

Hubby got a job transfer so we moved 3 hours away from the only place I've ever known, leaving behind my parents, and other family and dear friends.

We couldn't find a rental or a decent house to buy in the dinky little town, forcing us to live in a tiny cottage that was the size of your living room, sleeping on air mattresses for 6 weeks. Not incredibly comfortable for a pregnant woman.

Otter started coming off the diet.

Otter started kindergarten.

We finally found a rental. HOWEVER, Hubby got a job offer about 45 miles from my hometown. Therefore we moved into the rental for a month.

At 8 months pregnant, we bought a house and moved AGAIN. It was a good move, and I'm enjoying being closer to family!

On December 4, our precious daughter was born!

Otter has been off the diet for a few months, and is now considered cured from his epilepsy!

Hubby is currently training in a city 2 hours away, so he's only home on the weekends. Having 3 kids by myself has been a challenge, but we're doing fine. The Baby is the best baby ever, and breastfeeding is going great! I guess the 3rd time really is a charm!

5 cleansing comments:

Charlotte (Life's a Charm!) said...

sounds like you've had a busy life! I definitely know how it feels like sleeping on a air mattress for a few weeks while we've just relocated here in Alabama.
Congratulation on your new baby and thanks for dropping by my blog ...

Quirky Momma said...

Glad you are doing well! Sounds like a rough few months in there! We are similar, both former teachers turned SAHMs of three kiddos! Looking forward to following your updates


Nicolasa said...

I am so glad things are going well! Congrats on your new baby!

Marni's Organized Mess said...

Congrats on your new bundle!

Anonymous said...

Wow! My hubby took a job last Dec 10hrs from home and I stayed back w/the kids to sell the house. For 4 months! Finally moved into a house and then 7mo later he took ANOTHER job 2hrs from where we were and we just moved 3wks ago. Now I didn't have a baby in there so you win but doesn't moving SUCK?

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