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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

ebeanstalk: expert-selected toys

Ebeanstalk is a website dedicated to selecting great baby toys and toddler toys. They rely on the opinions and feedback of bloggers and moms around the country to continue selecting great toys to sell. Their team of child experts also helps them pick out learning toys to make sure your child get the most out of his or her play time!

I like that they have their toys separated by age and gender, which makes it much easier to find exactly what you're looking for!

They also have the Grow and Learn Gift Series which sends a new toy every 3 months that is expertly-matched to the stage of the child's development.

I would LOVE this for The Baby:

Ebeanstalk has given us the opportunity to test and review a pacifier and toy. If you know The Baby at all you know she LOVES her binks! This mommy couldn't live without em!

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