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Thursday, June 24, 2010

people in review #18

Why Were Maggie Gyllenhaal and Ashley Olsen Hanging Out?
Maybe they're friends. Geesh.

POLL: Who's the Hottest Dad Celebrating His First Father's Day?
Gotta go with McSteamy on this one.

Backstreet Boys Make the New Kids Fans Scream
I love me some Backstreet Boys. Admit it, you loved them too. {la la} You are, my fire. The one, desire. Believe, when I say. I want it that way. {la la}

Tori Spelling: All My Ex-90210 Costars Hate Me
Apparently they all quit talking to her when she got remarried. She's an attention whore anyway.

Bachelor's Jake Pavelka & Vienna Girardi Split
Well there's a shocker.

Twi-Hards Camp Out 96 Hours Before Eclipse Premiere
In the rain. I like Twilight, but really?

Ryan Seacrest & Julianne Hough Getting 'More Serious'
I thought Ryan Seacrest was gay.

Pal: Vienna Girardi in 'Shock' over Breakup with Jake Pavelka
He broke up with her over the phone. heeheehee

Meet America's Hottest Tennis Hunks
If these are the hottest tennis hunks, it's no wonder why no one watches tennis.

Should Jake Pavelka Move into ABC's Bachelor Pad?
Absolutely! Tenley's in the house! Chant it with me: DRAMA! DRAMA! DRAMA!

Oops! Daniel Radcliffe Mistakes Justin Bieber for a Woman
Is this really news worthy? C'mon People.

COVER SNEAK PEEK: Jake Pavelka Had 'Trust Issues' with Vienna Girardi
Gee.....ya think? Maybe you should have listened to EVERY. SINGLE. GIRL. after all. We girls know our shit.

Joran van der Sloot Accuses Police of Misconduct
I'll show you some misconduct Slimy Sloot.

Oh this is a good one. See for yourself.

10 cleansing comments:

Kmama said...

That last one is interesting. I heard on the radio yesterday that Vienna is trying to spin it that she broke up with him. She was saying that they never had sex...that he always had a reason. And how classic...a phone break up.

Shell said...

Going to go check out that last one!

Liz Mays said...

I'm still a little suspicious of Ryan Seacrest. I didn't like the Backstreet Boys, but I did like Hanson. LOL

Unknown said...

Backstreets back alright!

Nikki said...

Stupid Bachelor stuff....that's why I can't let myself get sucked in anymore. I get to angry and then I want to throw stuff at the tv....they are so stupid!!!!

Unknown said...

Y'all! I like Ryan! He's a GA boy, but I think Dane Cook is hotter!

And I'm about tired of Jake.

Unknown said...

And I hope JVS rots in hell. Just sayin'.

Vanessa said...

Just think how cute Seacrest-Hough babies would be!

MommyLisa said...

OH the NKOTB and Backstreet Boys thing was so freaking AWESOME!

Jake Pavelka - PUKE!


Enjoy your weekend.

Mrs4444 said...

Jake is and will always be an idiot. You're right; he should have listened to the other women, and when I saw that he didn't, I wrote him off. Loser.

I have told Kendall that I will drive her to and from the theater for the opening. (It ends at 3am.) WTH was I thinking?

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