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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

top ten reasons i hate summer

Tune in next week for the top ten reasons I love summer. Yes, it's a love/hate relationship, as are most things in my life.

I hate summer because...

What do you hate about summer?

Linked at Supah's and Oh Amanda.
Top Ten {Tuesday}

26 cleansing comments:

Kristie said... 1

oh my! i have shaved my legs but that is as far as i've gotten this summer = no pool for me. yet. my kids aren't even out of school and i'm ready to send them to camp. sleep away camp. different ones. so they'll appreciate each other. MOSQUITOES SUCK! following you today from Supah's PINT!

Shell said... 2

I agree with many of yours. The heat, shaving, my kids fighting, too much effort to take them all to the pool.

I like spring much better.

Lothiriel said... 3

yeah...the shaving...that alone does it for me!!! Especially since the hubs likes the lawn mowed all the time!!!! :(

cfoxes33 said... 4

1) Summer hours Monday -Thursday.
2) End of GLEE
3) bugs
4) Humidity
5) Swim suit season
6) Tourists

That is all I can think of right now.

Unknown said... 5

I soo understand you. I hate shaving my legs and hoo ha it is soo time consuming. And of course my kids have to come into the bathroom right as I am shaving my hoo ha and have to ask what I am doing. YIKES.

MWalker said... 6

I. Hate. Summer. Too. All the time. There is never in love for Summer from me.

3.The Shaving
4.The general opinion that I should spend some time outside. Blugh.
5.Pretty much everything.

(formally WonderWomanWannabe, now Ambiguous Meg)

Lisa said... 7

I was really laughing at shaving legs and hoo ha! I hate shaving period....but I do it.

Most thing I hate about summer is the heat. It's seems worse now....or am I just getting old...er?

I am Harriet said... 8

Snakes and stubble- yuck!

Have a great day!

Anonymous said... 9

My main complaint is the heat. Can't. take. it.
Shaving is another annoyance.
The effort of going swimming
kids fighting
Yeah, pretty much everything you said LOL

Perfectly Unperfect said... 10

95 degree weather with 100% humidity!

Sandi said... 11

Too funny! I don't think I know anyone who enjoys shaving. Too bad electrolysis is so dang expensive...

Beth Zimmerman said... 12

You almost made me have to explain myself (again) when I hooted out loud at your "hooha" reference! I think I'm sticking with my swim shorts!

Liz Mays said... 13

I hate the bugs!!!! If it weren't for them, I'd be fine with it!

Erin W said... 14

You are too funny! I hate the heat and the bugs... I don't wear sun screen.. it sucks too :) You will however laugh at me because I shave my legs and hoo ha area every.single.day.

Kmama said... 15

LOL I agree with all your reasons. I just don't have the three kids at home. My kids fight every single evening from the time they are both home until bedtime. KILL ME!

Unknown said... 16

I agree with everything, just change your kids to mine. And we don't go to the lake, make that the beach.

Nikki said... 17

I feel ya on every single one of those...especially the shaving ones!! I don't have school aged kiddos yet but everything else is right on the money!!!
But then again I LOVE the sun and the water and all that good stuff!

We 2 Bees said... 18

Oh I hear you! It's so true! I have the same love/hate relationship going on. And I'm already over the fighting! And the pool - oh the nightmares! Can't wait to see your love reasons! We'll see how we compare as this one read like me!

sarah said... 19

My major hate with the summer is the bugs especially the mosquitoes!!! I moved from the UK just over 3 years ago and the bugs were nothing like they are here in Canada so it is taking abit of getting used to. I actually dont go out in the yard sometimes just because I dont want to be covered in bites by the end of the day, which is sad!!!

Ma What's 4 dinner said... 20

Oh my god, you must be my long lost twin sister. 3 kids under six anywhere is more trouble than it's worth!!! And I hate shaving the hoo-hoo!

Lots of yummy love,
Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner

Caution/Lisa said... 21

You've covered it all! Bring on fall :)

Jessica said... 22

oh my gosh! Yes to ALL of these!

Melissa said... 23

Great list! I love summer but do hate shaving my legs. Bugs and mosquitoes are also annoying. But I still prefer summer over any other season. I live in New England and it's so short lived!
Oh, it's still light out when the kids go to bed. That's annoying b/c they think it's too early. But... I still love summer!

Cari said... 24

Reading you from Supah today. Summer is def a love/hate! You summed it up marvelously. The 5 S's of Summer I hate: Shaving, Sunscreen, Shiney, Swimming Suit and Snacks (as in the consistent mantra being echoed throughout the day, "can I have a snack?")

Brandi said... 25

That seriously cracks me up that you say hoo ha! I do too, but not very many people I know say that word.

Kelley said... 26

I am with you...summer is not a vaction for the moms, that tos be sure.

Have a great day!

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