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Friday, July 16, 2010

daycare: in-home vs. center

Today begins the search for daycare. There are several in-home providers here and only 1 center. The girls are 8 months and 3 years. So here's my question:

Would you send your children to an in-home daycare or a center? Why?

Have a great weekend! And come back Monday for Movie Monday! I've been slacking but we're back in business. :)

Linked at An Island Life.

7 cleansing comments:

Brandi said...

I think it depends on your town. It also depends on how old your kiddos are (and I know I should know this, but for the life of me can't remember as I haven't been in the blogging world very much lately). If your kids are pre-school age, I would go with a center. They usually have more stuff planned, and do themes, although home based could do those too, but sometimes there are too many different ages. A center most of the time has different age groups...but if it were a baby I would try a home based probably, or even a one on one...

Shell said...

I'm majorly behind in blogworld. Did you get a job?

I think I'd rather go the center route, unless I really, really knew the in-home provider.

Unknown said...

We had a great experience with an in-home daycare. She was highly recommended through a friend. There were no more than 3 other kids besides my two and my girls loved her. So I was comfortable with this because, as mentioned, we had a recommendation. Nothing against centers though...if someone recommended one, we would have been open to that too. Best of luck with your decision!

Anonymous said...

This is tough. I honestly have no idea what I'd do. I guess I'd do my research on both, check out both, and go with my gut feeling on whichever one feels best. Good luck girl and let us know what you choose. :)

MommyLisa said...

That is totally up to what you are comfortable with...you have to look at: The place, The people who will be with your child each day, The cost, etc.

I worked in a center - I thought some of the teachers were AWFUL. I have heard horror stories about in-home and centers both.

I went to the places when I was pregnant and RAN out of a center and did not even ENTER one of the homes.

My boo boo la la is in a home daycare, but J is the most awesomest person in the world. She gives the kids the next best thing to mommy every day and has more patience than Job.

Good luck and GO WITH YOUR MOMMY INSTINCT when you visit the places.

Unknown said...

I think there are pros & cons for both. I worked for a year after Sass was born & had in-home care, but several of my friends work & they use day care (it's the same one).

Nikki said...

Mia goes to an in home daycare but she is married to Justin's cousin and is a friend of mine so I feel completely comfortable with leaving Mia there.
For me I would be nervous about a center because of the size and the the ratio of "teachers" to children. I guess I'm just lucky with our situation!!

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