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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

i might become a widow...

...because I'm going to kill my husband. And collecting on the life insurance would be an added bonus as well.

Hubby was gone all last week. On Thursday I decided to do some freezer cooking so we would have some meals on hand. He always complains we have nothing to eat so I thought it would make him happy to have some nice meals.

He comes home on Thursday nights when he has to work out of town and he's pretty much worthless. He complains about being tired and wanting to relax. Um....I've been caring for your 3 children all week by myself. I am tired and would like to relax too.

I admit, I got in a little over my head with the cooking. I got 5 recipes from Once A Month Mom and each of them makes 4 meals. That's a lot to make in one evening. So when Hubby came home, I had pasta scorching on the stove, the oven timer beeping, food that needed to be taken out of the oven, chicken frying and splattering, and a baby screaming. The kitchen was A M.E.S.S.

I welcome Hubby home and ask him to tend to the screaming baby. He picks her up, and giving no effort of calming her down, says she needs me. Then he proceeds to yell at me for starting something like this on a Thursday night. Well maybe I thought I could get some help when you got home!!!!! But heck no, Hubby's "tired and wants to relax." Why would I expect such a thing?

The entire weekend was the same. He complained when I went to the store and wouldn't take the baby. Why in the heck would I take the baby? You're home sitting on your arse watching TV. He lectured me on laundry when one pair of his khakis were too wrinkled to wear and his other pair had been sitting in the washing machine for a day. He got mad because I didn't water the grass right, and the list goes on.

I'll spare you the details of today's pointless spat, but it ended with me hanging up on him in a rage and ignoring the 6 times he called back after that to yell at me for hanging up on him.

Sometimes it's hard to remember why you love someone so much.

Linked at live and love...out loud.

Disclaimer: I'm not really going to kill my husband. I love the guy for reasons I'm still contemplating. We have come a long way in this challenge called marriage and we'll be together forever.

16 cleansing comments:

Kel said...

I am sorry that you are feeling so overwhelmed. It took my hubby almost 7 years to realize that he needed to see my side of the story too and that he wasn't the only tired one. Hang in there. You can only do so much. (PS. Love the disclaimer:)

The Drama Mama said...

Are we married to the same man?

Kmama said...

Oh honey. I completely understand. We had a bad day on Sunday and I ended up taking the kids and leaving for the afternoon. If my hubby wanted to be an ass, he could be one by himself.

Props to you on making all those meals though! Dang!

Liz Mays said...

I think sometimes when you've been apart for a while there's a huge readjustment until you get back into a flow. But in the meantime, he needs a good butt kicking.

Brandi said...

Oh I have had days like that! Oh wait two weeks ago, I had a WHOLE WEEK like that! LOL Amazing how that works isn't it! Hope you feel a little less over whelmed soon! :)

Shell said...

LOL @ your disclaimer!

I can relate. Dh is always telling me that he's tired and needs to relax. One of these days, I'm going to lose it b/c *I* need to relax, too!

The adventure of a redneck mommy. said...

i completely understand..my husband acts the same way .. i dont understand why men are such ASSes..

Adrienne said...

I have learned from divorce that I will never let a man act as anything but my equal.... we are all tired that is life ...call and whine to your mom but do it while you tend to this baby and re iron your pants...lol But I am sure you guys will get it worked out if you need any advice from my book "I will put my foot in your ass if you yell at me" let me know =) Happy Tuesday

Unknown said...

Did you marry my husband's chone? Mine thinks just because he's the only one that gets a paycheck, he's the only one that works. Pisses me off!

Jacque said...

Wow! I can totally relate! Wish I had some advice - but I don't. I'm dealing with the same thing. I just tell myself that my children will show me appreciation one day when they are older - even if my husband never does. I get up every morning the boys - not for the hubby!

Anonymous said...

Girl, I am so sorry. It angers me when men act this way. They think staying home with the kids is so easy. I'd love to see their faces if we left them with the kids for three days straight. And good for you for making those meals! I need to do that too. xoxo

My gmail isn't letting me send out emails. Don't know why. I got your email about my comment thing being slow. I have no idea why it's doing that for you. No one else has said anything. I hope it's not doing that for everyone. Let me know if it keeps happening...thanks!

Nikki said...

Oh...I'm so sorry!! It's totally ok to feel that way too!!! It just sucks because they (men) seriously don't fricken get it. They don't get that we need our alone time and if that means going to the damn grocery store by ourselves then so be it.
Marriage is tough but as long as you continue to work at it and realize each others weaknesses then things will work themselves out!! Otherwise.....bitch slap him a couple of times or beat him with a bat...just a couple swings!!!
Hope you get some you time soon!!!

Mrs4444 said...

OMG-He would not survive a day in my house. Not only would I chew him a new one, but Mr.4444 might beat me to it! Sounds like an extra child to me, but it also sounds like he's been spoiled by "someone." Hmmmm...who could that be? It might be time for a strike (as in boycott, not spousal abuse, haha). Hang in there...

Gillian Behnke said...

Yup, same story in my house last Sunday. My husband just returned from a week in Japan and yes, I know he's tired, but I have had both kids on my own for a week and I AM DONE!!

I think we should make a practice of doing it to them once in a while, just taking off for a few days so they understand what it's like to do it on their own. :)

Kristi {at} Live and Love...Out Loud said...

You are so not alone. My hubby says and does stupid stuff like that all the time. Sure he works out in the hot sun all day, but I'm home all day long with all four kids. Without a car. And, did I mention that they're driving me nuts? lol I totally feel your pain. Sounds like we both need a vacation. Where are we going?
Thanks so much for stopping by and playing along with OH NO HE DIDN'T! Tuesday. I'm sorry it's taken me so long to stop by. I've been caring for a super sick baby all week. Thanks again. Have a great weekend.

Kristi, Live and Love...Out Loud

PS I'd love for you to play along again next week! :)

Beth Zimmerman said...

I think most of us can relate to that at some point or other in the course of our marriages. I hope the past week has brought more peace! :)

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