Baby #1, Otter
I was 18. I called Hubby (then boy toy) and told him after bawling for hours and telling everyone else on the planet, (except for my parents.)
It was rough because it obviously wasn't planned.
I was living in apartment style dorms in college. My parents stopped through that weekend on their way to state basketball. I wasn't home but they needed to use the bathroom, where they saw on the counter 4 positive pregnancy tests, but I also lived with 3 other girls.
I joined them a few days later and took my best friend with me to tell them the news. They just looked at my face and said, "You are." I shook my head. {insert crying, drama and more drama here.} {and here.} Of course it all turned out more than perfect.
Baby #2, Raven
This one wasn't planned either, but at least we were married this time. :) I sat Hubby down and told him I was pregnant. His response? "Oh shit....I mean....Congratulations?" Or something like that.
Baby #3, The PLANNED one, The Baby
I really wish I would've been a little more creative with this one.
I was late but still getting negative test results. We were hanging out with a bunch of friends and I had to run home to get something. I had to pee so I took a test. Not because I thought I was pregnant but because I was addicted to the damn things. Looked at it, negative, threw it away, walked out, walked back, looked again. The FAINTEST line. I took the test with me and showed Hubby. I don't remember what I said and I don't remember what he said either. How special... We told Otter and he took care of telling everyone else and their dogs.

10 cleansing comments:
Follow from FFF
Yep - it's not always that romantic revelation we all dream of. But when the babies come it is so wonderful! I am your newest follower from MBC FFF!
Mine weren't very amazing, either. I cried at two of them, even though they were all planned. LOL
Neither of mine were planned and I spent a lot of time crying before I could work up the nerve to tell my husband! I wish we could actually TRY to have a baby, but I think we're done... I always read about the cute ways people tell their families that they are expecting, but I don't think I would have the patience to come up with something!
"everyone and their dogs" hahah!! Hysterical! Love his response to # 2!!
I guess the moral of this story is-- don't tell your older children until you're ready for EVERYONE to know, huh?
Thanks for linking up-- I enjoyed reading about all three of your pregnancies! It's giving me baby fever (again!)!
Confessions From A Working Mom
I went to the store, bought a six pack of beer for hubby and a 6 pack for me, along with some pregnancy tests. I pulled out all 3 items and he looked at me quite funny, and i said well, if I am pregnant than you can drink all of this over time, and if I am not I really want a beer! :) I was preggo so I didn't get to drink. :)
Both of my kids were surprises. Big ones.
#1 - sorta planned
#2 - overly planned
#3 - Surprise!
when my mom told me she was pregnant with my sister (I was 19 and in college) she heard me utter my first cuss word.
My defense when I was reprimanded? "Well, that's what caused it, isn't it?"
tee hee- but she was the best thing to happen to the family!
Any plans for more?!
Found you on Friday follow!
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