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Friday, April 9, 2010

just dance yer bloggy off: u can't touch this

This song totally shows off my skillz. Haha. Yeah right. My hands on that arm part look worse than Kate Gosselin's on DWTS. And if you don't know, that's bad. That's very bad.

Will I reclaim the crown for my 3rd reign? We will see.

High Score: 6798

8 cleansing comments:

Vanessa said...

Okay. What am I doing wrong?! You are awesome! You can dance, talk to your kids, welcome home your husband, and still get over 2000 more points than me! *sob* ;-)

Shell said...

Love the hat!

I can't even get that on the long version of this song!

MommyLisa said...

That was so funny - hubby watches, watches, goes and sits down...

You wore him out! ;)

Sonora said...

This is awesome! I have never actually watched any of these on Shell's blog hop. I am such a slacker! You are in now way even remotely close to being bad like Kate Gosselin. Good luck in reclaiming your title!

Adrienne said...

nice moves =) cute hate and I like your little back ground audience =)

♥ Brittany Ciara ♥ said...

Look at you multitasking! I still think you are gonna have to fight me for the crown. ;) lol. great job!

Kmama said...

You did awesome. I totally bailed this week. The "hand" part that you describe sucks. I could never get the points on that no matter what I did!

Unknown said...

Okay, you totally make it look SO stinking easy! Look at you!

I love how your husband gets home, too, lol!

Great job honey! I'll be back to playing this week since I'm home :)


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