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Friday, June 25, 2010


The week started out with Hubby slicing his finger at work. His co-workers made him go to the ER, where he got 4 stitches. He was a farm boy growing up and has had his share of accidents, including breaking all limbs (not at one time) and this was the FIRST TIME he's ever had stitches. Although not the first time he's NEEDED stitches.

My kids are driving me bonkers. I need a mommy day all to myself, or a month, whatever.

I bought Raven a $1 pair of flip flops and she got shin splints! Bad. She limps around and can't go up or down stairs. It sucks.

Otter has lost 2 pairs of goggles in one week. I will not be buying more. I got his at Dollar General for $1. The EXACT same goggles were at Pamida for $3.29. What's up with that?

I bought Raven & Hubby Croc flip flops at crocs.com and got a heck of a deal. FYI, if you sign up for their newsletter you get a 20% off coupon, and right now they're offering free shipping.

Otter got up this morning and decided to make himself a pb&j. He told me he just used a spoon since he's not allowed to use knives. What a sweetie. {Btw that was his ONLY sweet moment this week.} He jumped off the counter and his shirt caught on the cupboard and ripped. He thought I would be mad. I was just thankful he didn't hang himself.

The Baby is teething...or something and she's been super fussy this week. I'm seriously about ready to lose my mind.

I put The Baby in her high chair this morning and went and got on my computer started doing laundry and cleaning the house. She started crying and when I went to check on her my poor baby was hanging upside down from her high chair!!!! Thank GOD I buckled her in because sometimes I don't! She stopped crying the moment I picked her up but nothing like that to get the morning started off right....

My best friend and her fam came to see us yesterday. Raven was loving on Their First (that's what I'm calling their baby) and she NEVER did that with The Baby. When Hubby asked who were favorite was she pointed to Their First. What the heck?

I ate a lotta beans last night. Do I need to explain where I'm going with this?

We were supposed to take a weekend trip to the zoo and do some shopping. Forget that. We're keeping our butts planted right here. I'm exhausted.

Linked at Mrs. 4444's.
Mommy's Idea

10 cleansing comments:

Shell said...

LOL @ the first time he got stitches but not the first that he needed them. Sounds like my dh.

MommyLisa said...

You are so cute. Make hubby give you a back rub - or a foot rub!


Kmama said...

Oh my goodness. What a couple of days. I know that when my kids are annoying me, it completely drains me of any energy that I might have. (HUGS) Next week will be better.

Unknown said...

I'm past needing a GNO, I need a GWA (Girls Weekend Away)!

Lothiriel said...

wow...what a week, eh? I often wonder if my baby is going to fall off her high chair. She moves and shakes around a lot too, but she is always buckled up.

I need a me time too! Hubs usually gives me the weekends, but he's away in China. :(

It's just me and the baby! Maybe my best friend can babysit Emma while I go do girly stuff!

Vanessa said...

So this where my business trip for SAHMs would come in handy...

Coby said...

Since you ate so many beans, maybe it's best to keep your butts planted over the weekend! ;-)

Oh - your poor baby! I can only imagine the shock of seeing her hanging upside down!

Hope you get a Calgon moment this weekend!

Nikki said...

Holy Crap....that wore me out just reading!! I hope that your weekend is better!!! It can only go up from here right???

Amy said...

Friday Fragger here on Saturday...Oh I loved my kiddos when they were at the littles stage. But hanging from the high chair? Yep. Glad we're past that. Now we're contending with climbing on the roof and texting after lights out. It's a fun job, but somebody's gotta get the Mommy vacation. I had mine for 2 days this week. Awesome! Hope you get one soon.

Mrs4444 said...

Sounds like a rough one--poor thing. I hope you get a break soon...

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