Last Thursday while breastfeeding: "That's weird. This hurts a little."
Friday: "Ya something's wrong. This hurts."
Saturday: "OWIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Saturday night: "Shoot me in the face. Now please." Called hospital pain was so bad. They said I needed to come to ER because I wouldn't be able to make it until Monday. I had a flippin yeast infection. Got drugs.
Tuesday: Better but drugs gone and pain coming back. Head to doctor. Mastitis. Well isn't that fan flippin tabulous?
Seriously, I would rather go through childbirth than go through that again.
I spent all day in bed yesterday with a fever, headache, sore throat, and aches so bad the tips of my fingers hurt. My poor kids watched TV for like 10 hours straight. Supermom I am not. I will be staying in bed when I feel like shit thank you very much.
I ran out of Juice Plus so didn't take it for a couple weeks and look what happens to me.
Feeling revived today. Even felt up to blogging which hasn't been a priority lately as you may have noticed. Now onto laundry. And possible a shower...
13 cleansing comments:
Ooh, ow!! That is something I never had to deal with. I had the yeast within a week of trying to bf Buddy, and yeah, gave up after that. But I went a full year with Buster and never had any issues (thank goodness!)
I'm glad you're feeling better!
Oh, and I'm totally laughing, because if you track your blog with any analytics or stat stuff, I can't only imagine the google search hits you'll get with a post title like that!! ;-)
You poor thing, I remember having that happen and they told me to nurse through it. Torture!!! Glad you're feeling better now though.
Oh girl, I had that and like you, I would rather go through childbirth than that ever ever ever again. My hubby told me that is the sickest he's ever seen me. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. It's the worst!!! So glad you are feeling better today. And love the title. :) LOL
I hope you feel better soon that is sucky
You poor thing! Mastisis is soooo freaking painful!
Oh Brooke!
I was never able to nurse but I still flinched and cringed reading this! Hope you're feeling better soon! Yogurt with live cultures, Kefir, or Acidophilus Capsules (refrigerated at health food store) are good options for battling yeast.
Ohh...I'm so sorry. It sounds awful and not fun whatsoever!! I didn't breast feed for quite that long so I never had that problem...thank god! Hopefully all is better soon!!!
YOUCH! LOL at your comment about staying in bed...woman after my own heart!
I don't get the flu shot because I'd rather get the flu and have a reason to stay in bed for a while!
Ouch!ouch!OUCH! :-/ Hope you get to feeling much better and QUICKLY!
Yowsa! That sounds incredibly painful. I never had that happen. I hope you are feeling better and definitely stay in bed! A little television won't hurt. Thanks a bunch for joining us for WTHW!
I hate that for you! I hope you feel better soon.
I'm so glad that you're on the good side of this now, poor thing!
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