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Monday, September 27, 2010

iron man pretty much rocks

If you're not new around here, you know that Otter is obsessed with all things superhero. I think our costume count is now around 15. And that's just Otter. Raven has all the Disney princess costumes and then some. It's Halloween everyday around here.

Otter's fave is Iron Man. And as soon as he saw the second movie he started begging for an Iron Man 2 costume. He already has the first costume, but apparently the second costume has a triangle instead of a circle. Whatever. Well no way no how was I buying him a brand new costume. Pretty much all others have been gifts and thrifts.

Well wouldn't you know Costume Supercenter contacted me for a review, so OF COURSE I had to get the Light Up Iron Man Mark VI Costume.

You can only imagine Otter's face when he opened it after I pretty much screamed at him to never ask me again if he could have a new Iron Man costume.

He LOVES it! The triangle actually lights up which he thinks is pretty "suh-weet". And it has muscles which was an added bonus as well.

Halloween is upon us folks! Time to find that perfect costume! I was BLOWN AWAY by Costume Supercenter's selection! They have over 1700 new items alone and there is something for EVERYONE! They have a huge selection of boys Halloween costumes and kids costumes. AND DON'T FORGET YOURSELF! It's your once-a-year excuse to play dress up! HURRY! Costume Supercenter is currently having a 10% off sale on costumes $30+. Use code SCARE30 at checkout!



4 cleansing comments:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you posted this! I need to find some costumes. :)
He looks awesome in his!

Kmama said...

Don't you just love it when you swear up and down you won't do something for your kid and then end up doing it anyway? LOL

I'm glad he's happy though!!

Staci A said...

I can only imagine the excitement in your house when it arrived! Love the costume!

Shell said...

Oh, my oldest would love this, too!

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